Hello, my friends. I am posting my first video blog update since my respiratory failure "incident" that occurred a week ago. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Your support blesses me dearly.
~Robert B. Haase,
A Blessed Man
Robert B. Haase’s public speaking career was temporarily derailed when he was told he would lose half of his tongue to save his life. On October 3, 2013, Robert had his 13th tongue cancer surgery, known as a "hemiglossectomy", removing the entire left half of his tongue. Robert released his book, Not What You Had Planned: Finding Strength and Hope in the Storms of Adversity, in July 2020. Robert is available for public speaking engagements and can be contacted by email.
Great to hear your voice my brother. God has a huge storehouse of grace and strength to give you. Keep reaching out to take ahold of it. We are committed to praying and standing with you through this process of full recovery.